Themes + Observations

Notable Passages

This model of having small, elite working groups within a larger, passionate collective (right) seems replicable. [related to Groups vs. Contexts!!]

The "hired by ARPA" line obfuscates a much more complex process, where an elite governance structure (the Military) chooses to prioritize or deprioritize important tasks (projects). Building governance structures which are upstream of scenius seems core to scenius, also.

"A pre-requisite for funding [of one ARPA-E project] was a cost projection of $100 per kilowatt-hour—a step-change in storage costs that would fundamentally transform the electricity industry. Interestingly, the cost threshold set in this program has become the de facto benchmark for industry costs going forward, as well. [emphasis added]" — P+C of ARPA Model

This passage seems critical. Technological leadership from well-funded research groups sets the standard for industrial costs, even before the research project has finished. ARPA-like programs are also a coordination mechanism.

“You get communities together that don’t naturally talk... and you push them forward and see what comes out of it” (Fuchs 2010)

The role of a program manager is also to coordinate people who otherwise would not be coordinating.

I wonder if "social technology" ARPAs will become more common in the 21st century?

Review of Session 4 Materials

Overall, I felt like this week's reading was kind of boring... The "Promises and Challenges of the ARPA Model" paper could be replaced with a better work on the ARPA model, imo, but I'm not sure what it is/should be yet.

Raw Notes: